Miraculous Prayer
Entering into contact with the Divine
The art & science of Prayer
Seek First His Kingdom
Direct your thought towards the One
You cannot pray if you are not turned towards God.
If you are praying to God and at the same time are thinking of someone else - your friend, your mother, your father - you are in fact praying to them instead.
If you pray to God and think of your money or your house - you are praying to them.
If you pray to God and think of some saint, you are praying to that saint and not to God.
Consequently, if you want your prayer to be received by God, your thought should be turned exclusively toward God.
During prayer, your mind should be free of any other thought. Thus, when you pray, it is the Image of God that must be in your mind; no other image.
You think: We do not know the Image of God.
Yes, you do know that image; but you have forgotten it and must now recall it.
~ Beinsa Douno, Gems of Love
Miraculous Prayers
Prayers of Beinsa Douno | Peter Deunov
Prayer on awakening
Lord, lead me towards Thy great understanding, fortified by Thy Good Will!
Lord, bless my brothers and sisters as Thou blessest me. I will serve Thee as Thou teaches me, I will Thy Love according to Thy Will.
I thank you, Lord, for everything good which Thou hast given and taught me.
I thank Thee, Master, that Thou hast preserved my life and health today as always!
Amen ~ Beinsa Douno
Prayer of my belief
I believe in Thee, Lord, who hast spoken to me in the past.
I believe in Thee, Lord, who speaks to me now.
I believe in Thee, Lord, who will speak to me in the future.
May Thy Name be glorified, and may we live in Thy Glory.
May Thy Kingdom be established and may we partake in Thy joy.
May Thy Will be done on earth, as it is in heaven,
and may we work together with Thee.
Amen - So Be It! ~ Beinsa Douno
The small prayer
Lord, my God,
Gladden me for the sake of Thy Name.
Bless me for the sake of Thy mercy.
Enlighten me for the sake of Thy Spirit.
Exalt me for the sake of Thy Word.
Help me for the sake of Thy Promise.
Guide me for the sake of Thy Truth.
Support me for the sake of Thy Justice.
Blessed art Thou, Lord, forever,
For Thou art kind and Truthful towards all.
Amen ~ Beinsa Douno
Prayer for the Spirit of God
Lord, our God, may Your Kind Spirit come and enfold
and embrace our spirit in Thy arms to fill our hearts
with the boundless Love which proclaims Thy presence throughout the world,
to strengthen our hands in all justice and our feet in all goodness.
We bow down before You, our Eternal Father, the Rock of our lives.
Blessed art Thou, blessed is Thy Name in our souls.
Strengthen us, lift us up, so that we may begin to serve the coming of Thy Kingdom with all gladness for the Love which Thou hast shown towards us!
You are the only one Who knows us, and we know that You art the light of our souls, the reach of our minds, the extent of our strength, the fortress of our spirits and the fullness of our hearts.
Thou art the adornment and glory in our lives!
Amen (Beinsa Douno)
Miraculous Prayer
The Source of the Good
Lord, I am ready from now on to fulfill Thy Will, which moves every living creature of the world.
If I have found a blessing in Thy presence, may I feel Thy Joy in the name of Thy Love, Wisdom, and Truth.
Lord, place me in the fire of Thy Love!
Lord, what should I do for the joyful establishment of Thy Kingdom on earth
and for the illumination of Thy Name for humanity.
Lord, teach me how to think about my brothers and sisters as Thou thinks about them.
Amen ~ Beinsa Douno
Miraculous Prayers
Prayers of Beinsa Douno | Peter Deunov
Prayer of the Holy Spirit
O Lord our God, our souls trust in Thee, hear my supplication and give heed to my prayer. Elevate my spirit, give comfort to my heart. Show me the light of Thy face.
Lord, for the sake of Thy mercy, support me with the presence of Thy Spirit.
Lord, may Thy Kingdom come, may Thy Justice be done, may Thy Truth prevail, may Thy Love be established, and may you, Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God, dwell in your fullness within my soul.
And may the Glory of the Lord our Father be manifest in the Spirit of His Word throughout all ages.
Amen ~ Beinsa Douno
Prayer for enlightened minds
Lord, we thank You for this beautiful life, for this beautiful world which Thou hast created for us, we wish to live according to that Love, which You have placed in our souls.
May Thy Light enlighten our minds. With this light we will resolve that Divine question which now sits before the door of our souls.
Amen ~ Beinsa Douno
Prayer for Divine Wisdom
Most kindly Lord, pour the light of Divine Wisdom into my mind,
so that I may understand Thy laws;
immerse my heart in the warmth of Thy Love,
so that I may accomplish the smallest good deed;
and illuminate my path towards Thee with the radiance of Divine Truth,
so that I may return to Thy Bosom and fulfill Thy Will.
Amen ~ Beinsa Douno
Prayer to the Supreme Being
O boundless Supreme Being, I beseech Thee to allow me to come near to Thee and to be very close to Thee, infinitely close, so that I may feel myself to be an essential part of the wholeness of Existence, and I may become aware of myself as a complete being that has sprung from Thee.
Liberate me from all wrongful thoughts, feelings, desires, doubts, criticisms and reproaches. And may I be as humble as Thou hast created me.
May I feel Thee very close to myself as a close friend from whom I may never part. Be Thou a light in my mind so that I may see Thee in it, be Thou life in my heart so that I see Thee within it, as I see Thee outside myself.
May I know only Thy eternal laws in nature and in the whole universe, and may Thy ceaseless Love unite me with Thee throughout all ages.
Amen ~ Beinsa Douno